Juliette Lusven, Transatlantic Visions, 2022. Photo : Alejandro Escamilla
Submission deadline: May 2, 2022
The Hexagram network and ELEKTRA are jointly launching a call for projects for students and artist-researchers who are members of the Hexagram network. The selected projects will be part of the ELEKTRA Gallery’s programming between November 2022 and May 2023.
Since its opening in 2019, the ELEKTRA Gallery’s mandate is to create a space for aesthetic and discursive research through digital art production. Located in the heart of the Mile-End, it has become a major support and dissemination center for the artistic community. In this context, the Hexagram-ELEKTRA partnership aims to encourage exchanges between the cultural and academic communities in the field of digital arts.
The exhibition Slow Track by Timothy Thomasson [Hexagram student-member, Concordia University] on show until April 16 at ELEKTRA Gallery is a result of this programme. Also see the previous exhibition, by Juliette Lusven [Hexagram student-member, UQAM], Transatlantic Visions.
To submit a project for the 2022-2023 programming of the Gallery, please send the following elements to: events@hexagram.ca
Artist’s curriculum vitae
A description of the project and the artistic approach in PDF format (maximum 2000 words) including:
Research-creation approach;
Description of the work;
A technical sheet for the work;
Documentation of the work in progress or completed (maximum 10 images and/or videos) via a permanent download link (for example: Google Drive, One Drive, DropBox).
· The submission deadline is May 2, 2022.
The selection of the works will be made by an ad-hoc committee composed of ELEKTRA representatives and Hexagram co-investigator(s).
The gallery offers professional technical support for the installations. It has limited, but high-quality equipment. Please note that sound can only be exhibited using headphones.
The Hexagram Network will pay a $500 fee to selected students.