MIAN 2018 – JUNE 28 AND 29
12th International Marketplace for Digital Art (MIAN)
JUNE 28 > 9:30AM - 11:15AM
Artists will be invited to present their recent artistic creations: Adam Basanta (QC-CA) / Bay Dam (SE) / Alexis Langevin-Tétrault and Dave Gagnon (QC-CA) / Émilie Payeur (QC-CA) / Projet EVA (QC-CA)
> 11:30AM - 1:00PM
- Panel n#1: Digital Creation and Contemporary Art: “L’art numérique n’existe pas”?
What is the meaning of “digital art” in 2018? What is its position vis-à-vis contemporary art? Is digital art –whether evolutive, generative, or virtual – a true interrogation of the status of the artwork? What issues are raised by works with digital components when we choose to place these works in museums or collections?
Guests: Gilles Alvarez (Biennale NEMO - FR) / Irini Papadimitriou (V&A Digital Design Weekend - UK) / Margit Rosen (ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst und Medien - DE) / Kate Mondloch (University of Oregon - US)
Moderator: Dominique Moulon – Critic and independent curator (FR)
> 2:15PM - 3:45PM
- Panel n#2: Producing Contemporary Digital Arts
In the past ten years, exhibitors and other cultural organizations have played a crucial role in sup- porting artistic creation by aiding artists in new productions. How can this support for creation be not only continued but improved?
Guests: David Dronet (Festival ]interstice[ - FR) / Doo Eun Choi (curator for Mediacity Seoul and ZERO1 Biennial - KR/US) / Bernard Gilbert (Le Diamant - QC-CA) / Yvan Le Bras (Electroni[k] - FR)
Moderator: Annie Quenneville – VICE magazine (QC-CA)
> 4:00PM - 5:30PM
- Panel n#3: Contemporary art and economic strategies
Contemporary art poses new questions while continuing to subvert the codes and values of the art world. Much like other genres of artwork, such as conceptual art and land art, digital works have caused the art market to rethink its strategies.
Guests: Sylvia Andriantsimahavandy (HIVE: thecamp - FR) / Anne-Cécile Worms (Art Jaws - FR) / Valentina Peri (Galerie Charlot - FR) / Shauna Jean Doherty (InterAccess - ON-CA) / Alex Czetwertynski (Festival Day for Nigth - US)
Moderator: Greg J. Smith – Editeur, HOLO / CreativeApplications.Net (CA)
> 9:30AM - 11:15AM
- Panel n#4: Exhibiting Contemporary Digital Arts
As part of the BIAN, participants of the round-table will be invited to give an overview of their cultural environment and of their respective organizations and networks; at the same time evaluating the networks’ concrete impacts at the present time.
Guests: José-Manuel Gonçalvès (Centquatre Paris - FR) / Maria Luisa Angulo (Trias Culture - SE) / Mathieu Vabre (Seconde Nature - FR) / Jean-Emmanuel Rosnet (Mirage Festival - FR) / Franck Testaert (Papa’s Production - FR)
Moderator: Dominique Moulon – Critic and independent curator (FR)
> 11:30AM - 1:00PM
Presentation of Quebec artists & structures: Alexis Bellavance (QC-CA) / Cinzia Campolese (QC-CA) / Rosalie Dumont-Gagné (QC-CA) / Navid Navab (QC-CA) / Katherine Melançon (QC-CA) / Jean-Ambroise Vesac (QC-CA)
> 2:00PM - 3:45PM
- Panel n#5 : Art and Science
In the Anthropocene era, where the impact of human activity on nature is no longer in doubt, more and more artists are using technology as a medium to question the impacts of human activity on the planet.
Guests: Luc Brou ( Festival ]interstice[ - FR) / Samuel Bianchini (EnsadLab - FR) / Christophe De Jaeger (Gluon et BOZAR - BE) / Cédric Huchet (Scopitone - FR)
Moderator: Maxence Grugier – Journalist, critic and independent curator (FR)