As a preview of the ELEKTRA festival and the 4th International Digital Art Biennial - BIAN, we will present the Intersections Vol.8: IA experience zone, of the Printemps numérique on May 14 at the Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA).
As a preview of the ELEKTRA festival and the 4th International Digital Art Biennial - BIAN, we will present the Intersections Vol.8: IA experience zone, of the Printemps numérique on May 14 at the Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA).
Around the theme "Chante le corps électrique", inspired by Walt Whitman's poem "Je chante le corps électrique" (1855), the artists will question the augmented body and our relationship to nature and technology in the era of Anthropocene. #intersections VOL.8 is an opportunity to shed light on Quebec creations in contemporary digital art through a selection of artworks.
➢ Alexandre Saunier - Helmetron
➢ Matthew Biederman - Serial Mutation
➢ Patenteux (Louis-Philippe Rondeau) - Revolve/Reveal
➢ Jean-François Malouin - Les trois grâces
▷5:00 - 6:00 pm: Cocktail, Networking and Experience zone - Maison Shaughnessy, CCA.
▷6:00 - 6:30 pm: Opening conference, Jean-François Gagné, Elementai – Théâtre Paul Desmarais, CCA.
▷6:30 - 7:30 pm: Discussion Panel – Théâtre Paul Desmarais, CCA.
▷De 7:30 - 8:00 pm: Cocktail, Networking and Experience zone – Maison Shaughnessy, CCA
▷ https://intersectionsvol8.eventbrite.ca
Serial Mutations (modulus) continues the trajectory of Biederman’s Serial Mutations series that examines the dichotomy of the screen as space vs. the screen as surface. Today’s CG and Virtual Reality are as preoccupied with the dissolution of the screen surface as were early painters. Serial Mutations abstracts the perception of pictorial depth and perspective through the use of color, luminance, line and plane. Synthetic architectures and spaces are created and destroyed drawing attention to the apparatus of the screen, abstracting perspective directly through generative code.

Louis-Philippe Rondeau’s research is focused on exploring the outskirts of photographic portraiture, calling into question certain empirical conventions of the photographic image such as immediacy, vantage point and planarity. His interactive installations offer a different take on portraiture. Mainly revolved around the mirror’s modus operandi, they provide a distorted record of the interactors’ appearance via marginal representation apparatuses that seek to question the relationship between viewer and artwork. They compel us to reconsider the conventions employed in the mediation of images, specifically those regarding the representation of space and time. He teaches at the School of Digital Arts, Animation and Design of UQAC, and his practice stems from his years working in the area of visual post-production in Montreal.

Les Trois Grâces is an immersive virtual reality artwork. This experience offers an intimate moment simulating corporality and exploring the feeling of presence. Les Trois Grâces exposes the primal feeling related to the most primary territoriality, the body, and the power relations that underlie this micro-territoriality with defined boundaries but subject to the domination of the most affordant. Created during two artistic residencies at Pioneer Works (Brooklyn) and the Société des Arts Technologiques (Montreal).

Alexandre Saunier is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher. His work associates both computer and physical systems in order to put into question our perception of digital machines and to find sensible links with abstract processes. He currently focuses on creating performances, immersive installations, and instruments for performing with light. His artistic and research work is regularly exhibited in festivals and exhibitions such as Toronto’s Nuit Blanche, Lyon’s Fête des Lumières... He also conduces workshops in various contexts, including the Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction ’14 in Munich or Designers Days in Paris.
Site web : www.alexandresaunier.com
Vidéo : https://vimeo.com/95682171

MAY 14