Diagraf: With a filmmaker's perspective on visual thematics and narrative, Diagraf combines minimalist aesthetics and complex evolutive graphics with emotive cinematic content. Keenly tuned in to the sounds of the musicians and producers he works alongside, Diagraf often creates new content inspired by their music, working much like a filmmaker in reverse as he edits his images live while the musical performance unfolds.
Claire: Exploring the intersections between sound, space, existence, and emotion, Claire captures and manipulates sounds using microphones, field recorders, synthesizers, samplers, drum machines, and effects pedals. A prolific DJ and live performer, she also creates audio works and conceptual multimedia installations.

What do sleep and dreams sound like? What does it feel like to be within a dream? Sleep wave shapes modulate synthesizers and spectral noise, driving audio-reactive geometric visuals in this A/V performance based on circadian rhythms, sleep, and dreams. Algorithmically generated cycles of moving images react, and particles coalesce along with the sounds. Between Dreams is designed to elicit a deep, meditative state of profound relaxation. A journey into the subconscious depths of the human mind.