ELEKTRA goes abroad to VIDEOFORMES, international digital arts festival of Clermont-Ferrand, France.
A video-music program of recent works selected by Alain Thibault, artistic director and curator, from Quebec creators Jean Piché, Yan Breuleux and Louis Dufort, and Chinese artist Lu Yang.

Enigma | Yan Breuleux & Alain Thibault | 2017 | 8’42
Enigma is a transposition of ideas of encryption and decryption, which presents many forms of information coding and addresses problems related to cybernetics and the relationships and attempts at dialogue between humans and machines. Enigma also highlights Alan Turing’s parallel between cryptography and physics, the science dedicated to decoding the world we live in.

Bjvfewo | Louis Dufort | 2018 | 5’
This audio-visual work is the result of my researches inspired by the forest. The visual material comes from realistic photos of organic matter that I then transform into texture mapping on abstract objects in three dimensions. The music follows the same process from “realistic” acoustic instruments that are later transformed into orchestral clusters to support the movement of visual objects.

Horizons [Fractured, Folded, Revealed] | Jean Piché | 2014-15 | 15’45
Horizons is an audiovisual origami obtained by folding a flat plane into a complex object that very slowly reveals itself as a polymorphous sculpture. Both sonic and visual materials are generated with recursive feedback processes. The suspended pace of the work suggests a meditative aesthetic but is really a side effect of these methods. Whispering voices accentuate the sensation of an enclosed yet distant environment.

Electromagnetic Brainology | Lu Yang | 2018 | 13’34
Hinduism and Buddhism believe the world is of 4 elements: earth, water, fire and air, that are the “great elements”. Buddhism describes the near death of human as the dissolution of the elements. First the earth element sinks into the water element, and then the water element sinks into the fire, and fire into the air, and the air element dissolves, leading to the ultimate death. Stated in Vimalakirti Sutra, “The body is the issue of the four main elements, and in these elements there is no owner and no agent.”
The artwork is a part of the artist developing a large project of religion, medicalogy, and neuroscience.
Maison de la culture, salle Boris Vian
71 boulevard François Mitterrand,
Clermont-Ferrand 63000, FRANCE
Vendredi 15 mars - 15H30